Luke Kim
Junior Front end Developer

Junior Front end Developer
I am a front end developer who has a passion for coding. Although it hasn't been long since I started to learn how to code, I just fell in love with it ever since. I consider myself as a well rounded person with a knack to adapt to any circumstances and always put my upmost effort.
저는 코딩에 열정이 넘치는 front end 개발자입니다. 코딩을 배우기 시작한 지는 얼마 되지 않았지만 코딩의 무한한 매력에 푹 빠져 이 분야에 지원하게 되었습니다. 저는 어떠한 상황에서도 빨리 적응하며, 새로운 문제에 부딪히는 것을 두려워 하지 않고 항상 적극적인 자세로 최선을 다하는 사람이라고 생각합니다.
Click on the images to see my projects
Description : Fun project where I made a clone of instagram
Techs Used : FE : React/Javascript/CSS | DB : firebase
Description : Made a messenger website where you can message anyone who goes on the app with a google account
Techs Used : FE : React/JavaScript/CSS | DB : firebase and integrated OAuth Google API
Description : Project for a company where I had to filter materials
Techs Used : FE : React/TypeScript/CSS